It seems my weight loss efforts have suffered a slight hiccup. It started when DH went away on a work trip about 2 weeks ago. I decided on the Thursday night that I would treat the boys to KFC on the way home from guitar practice. Bearing in mind that I had not eaten any KFC since at least January, and not at all while I had been losing weight.
I shall add here that KFC is my fast food drug of choice. And it behaved exactly like a drug. Saturday night my eldest had gone to see the bull riding with a mate, middle child was at his mate's for a sleepover, so it was just youngest son & myself at home. He got McDonalds and I had Brodie's chicken burger & chips. This led into Sunday's bad eating of pizza for dinner, which then snowballed into Monday's KFC for lunch.
To say I was disgusted with myself is an understatement. To resist KFC for so long and then have it launch me onto the road to takeaway hell. :( I know ultimately it was up to me, but hell I enjoyed it.
And now I pay the price, as of course I did not exercise during this week from hell and consequently have gained exactly 2kg since my last weigh in on the 22 May.
So here's to a new start. And time to exercise .............